Composite veneers
A veneer is a facing applied to the front surface of teeth visible in the smile in order to improve their appearance. Composite is a resin-based polymer material that is applied directly to the tooth surface and bonded in place.
Porcelain veneers
Porcelain veneers are thin, custom-made laminates that are placed on your teeth permanently. They can be used to close gaps, resurface discoloured teeth, replace worn surfaces and edges, and straighten teeth. Veneers cover mostly the visible front part of the tooth. They wrap over the biting edge of the tooth.
Metal-ceramic crowns
Suitable for areas with high chewing solicitations (lateral areas). The ceramics covers completely the metal support and is chosen according to the natural color of the near teeth. Patients who can't afford Wholly ceramic crowns financially can also choose the option of metal-ceramic crown.
Full ceramic crowns
Are used in cases when patient requests for more aesthetic and biologically 'safe' materials has led to an increased demand for metal-free restorations. Due to the fact that they allow the passing of light through the ceramics without metal support, they assure a very natural look.
Crowns fixed on implants
There are two different types of prosthetic restorations fixed on dental implants
Cemented crowns
The choice of method is usually based on the clinician's preference.
Screw-retained crowns
The literature shows that the soft tissue surrounding screw-retained crowns are healthier than the peri-implant mucosa surrounding cemented restorations. However, by removing cement thoroughly, the risk of leaving cement subgingivally that could cause peri-implantitis is reduced significantly.